02.21.2015 - ver 1.9.1 - Fixed Text Logo color not displaying correctly - Fixed Text and Image logo not displaying correctly for Header v1 - Search.php issues completely remover - Added Mobile Menu background option - Added Mobile Menu link color option - Added Mobile Menu link separator color option - Added Mobile Menu force Uppercase - Added Mobile Menu font weight option - Added option to select individual Header version for posts, pages, portfolio 02.12.2015 - ver 1.9 - Fixed text logo disappearing on Small Devices - Fixed search.php errors - One Paget Temaplte fix on smaller screen devices - Updated FontAwesome to the Latest Version - Increased Modals Window Height in Admin Area Preview - Increased Font Icon Preview in Admin area - Updated WooCommerce template files to version 2.3 - Fixed WooCommerce Quantity Increment/Decrement 02.07.2015 - ver 1.8 - Fixed Tabs and Tours - now working correctly - Fixed Sub Menu Items not displaying correctly for Header Version 2 and Header Version 3 - Portfolio items can now link to a custom page - when creating the portfolio item you can link to a certain page. - Added option for Portfolio items to skip first featured image set - Fixed Sidebar for Portfolio items using Sidebar on 1160 layout - Fixed Responsiveness on Devices with a screen res lower or equal to 479px - Fixed index.php error 02.05.2015 - ver 1.7 - NEW - ADDED WIDE LAYOUT OPTION - 1160PX - NEW - ADDED ONE PAGE TEMPLATE - Fixed arhcive.php and taxonomy-portfolio_category.php files reporting warnings - Fixed content strip tags function - Added option for Pots Grid element to link to bigger image or actual post page - Fixed MegaMenu Column Title css when used as Link - Fixed Headers styles issues - - Improved Google Maps api functionality - No more padding on smaller screen devices - smartphones will now load the theme correctly - Buttons content will now adapt container size - Added option to change the output text for Project Details, Project Description and Related Project - Added option to change the output text for Portfolio Details fields - Fixed pagination and flexslider arrows colors - Blog Sidebar will now show by default on all posts, when theme activated for the first time - Fixed Social Wdiget not rendering Youtube hover effect correctly - Added nested shortcode functionality for Pricing Table - Fixed custom height option for Google Map on Contact page template - Fixed border color change on Clients Element 01.20.2015 - ver 1.6 - Post shortcode read more link fixed - LayerSlider updated - Contact 7 form plugin updated - Navigation Menu centered on mobile devices - Pop-up modal of Visual Composer fixed - Text Logo and Image Logo centering fixed on mobile devices - Added elements orientation option inside the Product Feature 12.02.2014 - ver 1.5 - for Product Feature you can now choose Alignment - Fixed Recent Posts Widget - Fixed Twitter on Footer - Globally declared Remove WpAutop function - updated WooCommerce css - Updated LayerSlider to latest version 11.26.2014 - ver 1.4 - Fixed Clients element - showing correctly on page load 11.14.2014 - ver 1.3 - Fixed Quote Box now using Default HTML Textarea - Fixed Pricing Table Responsiveness - Added Sticky Header reducing effect on vertical scroll 11.13.2014 - ver 1.2 - Fixed Retina Logo for Header V2 and V3 - Featured Services box will become full link if any link is provided - Google Analytics code now rendered in Header - Header Menu positioning fix for Header V2 and V3 - WooCoomerce fix - if no woocommerce is used, header is rendering correctly rules